Feb 18,2008
Today is our prefinal examination of Business. Although is not easy, I'm so thank because I got a passing score. After class of Business feasibility, I saw Sir Dennis. He asked mi if I can do the role of Juan in Sinakulo. I answered him that I can.
After that, I go back home then I eat and slept. I woke up 4:OO pm then I fix my things so that I'd be ready to go on my work.
Feb 19, 2008
I woke up at early 7:00 am to ate breakfast then I slept again. After that I woke up 1:00pm to ate lunch then I had call my girlfriend. After 30 mins talking on the phone , we say goodbye to each other. Then I review some notes for the prefinal examination in typing tom.
after that , I take a bath then I go on my work. I came home at early 4:00am because I and my crew mate went to her friend; near to that Robinson.
Feb 20, 2008
Today is our prefinal examination of Internet and online research. We had research about the RAM or Random Access memory and it's types,kinds,uses and function. After that Val and I were ate a burger but it so very yuck because the burger that I had eaten has a worm in coleslaw fo I feel bad. Then we go back in school to take an exam of typing. We did some cashbank, voucher and etc. I had finish at 5:00 pm.
Feb 21,2008

Today I had slept many times. I woke up in morning then I ate breakfast. I woke up in 12nn so I can ate lunch then I woke up at 3pm. I had review some notes of CWTS and troubleshooting. so that I will be prepare in prefinal examination. Hope I pass.I had also read the notes of our new products in KFC, Inside this is How it will prepare, expiry date, holding time, storage and etc. Then I go to my work.
Feb 22, 2008

Today we do our pre final in P.E. Our prefinal is looking for the team sports. We've done it, at 5:00pm them Mr. Martin, Alvin, Val and I were ate "Lugaw". After a while, I go to my work. After the time of work some of my crewmate were decided to drink so that we go to crossing to celebrate the passing of our store in audit. We dring two red horse wit hot wings. I came home at early 3:00 am.